Talking about manipulating a bitch into your plan for her against her wishes and decisions every time
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What? You think you can make me love you or something? NOT I’m miserable in this environment - my hell mate free why I’m not
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You just stay fucking with my head how many years now?
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Until they get the answer they want - that’s when they’ll stop
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Fuck all that… I refuse to submit to people that are less than me. You’re too selfish you think you can make my life be all about you
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Get them off me please I don’t know how to do that either
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NOBODY will tell me wtf is going on
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My mom probably signed legal agreement not to tell me idk idc yes or no… it’s that easy
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I wish more people could be point blank
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Feel like talking shit to my aunt but I’ll shut up… why did my cousin stop doing her make up? She was really good at it
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When I realized she knew what I was talking about… either someone lied about it and said I was or they have tied down with more than invisible chains
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Have me tied down with more than invisible chains… If you ain’t dead leave my body alone
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Well no one told me about it but Jayme was there when my mom was on the floor
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We need some 30+ clubs
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She had a paw tattoo but never smelled so idk and that better be why or them bitches fucked
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I asked her if I found a vampire would she be down and she said hell yeah
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Why you wouldn’t help my best friend?
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It can get rid of the black plague but not cancer? I don’t believe that
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Get off my body and put me back to ghost taps please
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You can do all that and all that twisted shit though… I’m medical you’re fucking sick
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Get off me PERIOD
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First question for God… how can someone change your religion without permission or consent?
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I don’t want anything to do with them why would I ever be their friends again? and why they just won’t go away… well I know it’s because they are twisted and sick and evil and scared to leave the scene of the crime
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They just need to know that they’re not caught and make sure their lies are working
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I bet you one of them on this thread right now
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I have enough with the medical voices I hear and don’t need to hear them too
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Why do they think MY life is about THEM? Why do they keep poking me
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Least favorite friend, thought I had to friend knew she was a little off but not this bad
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I didn’t know them bitches at alll
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They pretend well… at least they know what the right thing to do is they just chose not to do it
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Yes proof I can go on a stand for that on 3 of them
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What do you call looking at and touching me with out my knowledge permission or consent… then dumb enough to talk about it… I caught BJ, SH, and KA
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Laughing in my face talking about it like it was someone else too… I get it
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I feel gross cause of that
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When did they turn me into a human toy then blow up doll and how and why and how do I know it can never happen again?
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How did people like them get more rites over me then even me?
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Second question for God
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Didn’t think stuff like that was possible
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Kept too busy to think or remember
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If you were tied down invisibly and couldn’t push him off you while they were saying all that sick shit you might’ve thought about changing your religion too
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They still trying
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I know they can’t do it for me but they better stop trying
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Then he said it was the best sex? Out of here freak
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Cause I have nothing to hide I ai t ever do shit that I’m not prepared to answer for and ask god
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So you think I’m a lie to god before you?
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Get off my roof and put me back where you found me
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I’m mentally ill and don’t want to hear their voices
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Dissected a good one but why only on their command
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It happen again I’m going to jail
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Completely prepared for that
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Gonna try to sleep… services in a few hours
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Cause I blamed my mental illness on that weird shit and didn’t realize it was pastille
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Didn’t realize it was possible*
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Please make them go away and get their trash out my body
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