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Thread: A Disciple's Thread

  1. #2041
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Talking about manipulating a bitch into your plan for her against her wishes and decisions every time

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    What? You think you can make me love you or something? NOT I’m miserable in this environment - my hell mate free why I’m not

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    You just stay fucking with my head how many years now?

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    Until they get the answer they want - that’s when they’ll stop

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    Fuck all that… I refuse to submit to people that are less than me. You’re too selfish you think you can make my life be all about you

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    Get them off me please I don’t know how to do that either

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    NOBODY will tell me wtf is going on

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    My mom probably signed legal agreement not to tell me idk idc yes or no… it’s that easy

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    I wish more people could be point blank

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    Feel like talking shit to my aunt but I’ll shut up… why did my cousin stop doing her make up? She was really good at it

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    When I realized she knew what I was talking about… either someone lied about it and said I was or they have tied down with more than invisible chains

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    Have me tied down with more than invisible chains… If you ain’t dead leave my body alone

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    Well no one told me about it but Jayme was there when my mom was on the floor

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    We need some 30+ clubs

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    She had a paw tattoo but never smelled so idk and that better be why or them bitches fucked

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    I asked her if I found a vampire would she be down and she said hell yeah

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    Why you wouldn’t help my best friend?

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    It can get rid of the black plague but not cancer? I don’t believe that

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    Get off my body and put me back to ghost taps please

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    You can do all that and all that twisted shit though… I’m medical you’re fucking sick

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    Get off me PERIOD

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    First question for God… how can someone change your religion without permission or consent?

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    I don’t want anything to do with them why would I ever be their friends again? and why they just won’t go away… well I know it’s because they are twisted and sick and evil and scared to leave the scene of the crime

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    They just need to know that they’re not caught and make sure their lies are working

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    I bet you one of them on this thread right now

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    I have enough with the medical voices I hear and don’t need to hear them too

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    Why do they think MY life is about THEM? Why do they keep poking me

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    Least favorite friend, thought I had to friend knew she was a little off but not this bad

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    I didn’t know them bitches at alll

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    They pretend well… at least they know what the right thing to do is they just chose not to do it

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    Yes proof I can go on a stand for that on 3 of them

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    What do you call looking at and touching me with out my knowledge permission or consent… then dumb enough to talk about it… I caught BJ, SH, and KA

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    Laughing in my face talking about it like it was someone else too… I get it

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    I feel gross cause of that

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    When did they turn me into a human toy then blow up doll and how and why and how do I know it can never happen again?

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    How did people like them get more rites over me then even me?

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    Second question for God

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    Didn’t think stuff like that was possible

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    Kept too busy to think or remember

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    If you were tied down invisibly and couldn’t push him off you while they were saying all that sick shit you might’ve thought about changing your religion too

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    They still trying

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    I know they can’t do it for me but they better stop trying

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    Then he said it was the best sex? Out of here freak

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    Cause I have nothing to hide I ai t ever do shit that I’m not prepared to answer for and ask god

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    So you think I’m a lie to god before you?

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    Get off my roof and put me back where you found me

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    I’m mentally ill and don’t want to hear their voices

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    Dissected a good one but why only on their command

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    It happen again I’m going to jail

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    Completely prepared for that

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    Gonna try to sleep… services in a few hours

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    Cause I blamed my mental illness on that weird shit and didn’t realize it was pastille

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    Didn’t realize it was possible*

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    Please make them go away and get their trash out my body

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    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  2. #2042
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I can’t focus until they leave me alone - but that’s what it feels like
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  3. #2043
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I get it pac… just that easy you don’t trust him

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    What’s wrong? EAT

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    My brother a sister we’re both drug addicts when I was growing up… I learned to hate them and used to be really mean to them but when I switched teams they were nice to their customers and so I was too… my biggest mistake was reapexting a coke head because I then became one too… I think it’s best to keep the disrespect going to be honest

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    My brother and sister both have over 25 years of sobriety now

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    It sucks to be bad at something good… but then I realized I was damn good executive assistant too

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    To be good at something bad*

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    Yeah I used to be good at computers too lmfao and yeah just never fit anywhere always being sided for the next too

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    Didn’t care… if it wasn’t real I didn’t want it either

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    Yeah we were young like that 2

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    Nothing on this earth would EVER make me hurt my family though

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    Cause I wanted a club lol and a laundry mat so I started paying attention

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    When the salon came in it was a wrap

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    Hell no lol

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    I know I can jump back in and get what 16 years? Fuck all that

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    I know I can jump back in and get what 16 years? Fuck all that

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    I know I can jump back in and get what 16 years? Fuck all that

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    Not even for that $143.5M I’m determined to get out of all this

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    It was my goal when I cashed in on my pension and 401k to move back home… my mom looked like hell on a visit

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    You know she actually got me to eat fish today that wasn’t fried. It was good as all hell

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    Lost the final remainder moving to Norwalk

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    I cut 7 grams to 32 back then nah… he got a beat down lmfao

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    So I shot up the wall with a paint gun etc etc etc

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    Shit just got escalated way out of proportion - nobody give a fuck about that anymore

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    Only custies like fish scale… it’s light as fuck

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    I walked by a plant and my Nextel hummed

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    I assumed it was the police watching and I was quit so I didn’t care
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  4. #2044
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Where did my wu track 10 piece go… do you know how hard I worked on that one?
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  5. #2045
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    If I was in the industry… I’d switch to bonuses and salaries while branching all together like a corporation to add benefits too

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    Show money your money

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    Like a union

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    OK… everything under CLA919 for a fully loaded 2026 blazer and to pay off my student loans?

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    I can write more I write 90% more than I trace

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    I traced for murderers and fell asleep trac Ng their confessions - my mom found them and took me to psych lmfao

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    Pay off loans and credit cards - I ruined my credit by accident again

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    Everyone know the first fire the best

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    I said I’m not gonna speak on it so I won’t but I’m pissed

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    Ice cube hasn’t made me smile like that since a good day ) yeah my ex favored him a little old crush

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    Officially on pause despite the break up

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    And after that cop - I will NEVER attempt to date a white man again - and I’m not the reverse racist - they are!

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    Just every time I try disaster

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    And Lu ex that’s Puerto Rican he treats me like white guys do too fuck all that

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    My ex*

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    Some of them I let cause it doesn’t bother me and then some think their entitled and it makes me REAL mad

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    My body I’m the boss… so how that not happen?

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    Yeah they found PACs crazy baby mom but I’m only 75% sure now again

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    Yeah why I probably flipped out the first 5 minutes of ps I love you

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    Nah that’s what makes them crazier then me.. I AM legit mentally ill despite them

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    Just… it has nothing to do with authority - it’s you only live once and I have to

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    I want my mark here too

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    Somethings to say I’m here and I made it for you too God

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    “Cause gods gift to you is life and what you do with it your gift back”

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    I want to fix jail and mental so that they can actually fix us not cage us and mask symptoms I’m living proof that there is life after insanity

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    You can fix us

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    I hit insanity like 6 times or 9 in one year after getting shot - will someone at least tell 50 cent if I was or was not shot cause they won’t tell me

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    If they robbing people or selling drugs give them an education and job and if they raping people or hurting kids cut off their dick

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    Group them together so they don’t learn how to commit new crimes

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    Keep gangs away from each other rather then forcing them to share cells

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    Stop aggregating us talking shit on purpose cause you don’t know what it’s like to pop off

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    That should be a hate crime too

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    NOBODY likes losing control

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    It’s like you make fun of us for fucking up probably just like you did only we got caught

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    Every co has its study and honestly - I’ll shut up but I didn’t forget you either or how you treated me

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    Every co has their reason why*

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    Why they became one

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    My mom stoped doing the basement cause she thought it looked like the padded room. LMAO nah I never got the padded room but been tied to the bed twice

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    As form of punishment I wasn’t violent at all

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    I’m at fucked up in there

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    It’s fucked up in there*

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    It’s not because you all did it on purpose it’s cause he had someone on deck that quick and I’m tired

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    For every bitch he give the opportunity to laugh at me and say I’m stupid like they better
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

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