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Thread: A Disciple's Thread

  1. #2041
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Talking about manipulating a bitch into your plan for her against her wishes and decisions every time

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    What? You think you can make me love you or something? NOT I’m miserable in this environment - my hell mate free why I’m not

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    You just stay fucking with my head how many years now?

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    Until they get the answer they want - that’s when they’ll stop

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    Fuck all that… I refuse to submit to people that are less than me. You’re too selfish you think you can make my life be all about you

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    Get them off me please I don’t know how to do that either

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    NOBODY will tell me wtf is going on

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    My mom probably signed legal agreement not to tell me idk idc yes or no… it’s that easy

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    I wish more people could be point blank

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    Feel like talking shit to my aunt but I’ll shut up… why did my cousin stop doing her make up? She was really good at it

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    When I realized she knew what I was talking about… either someone lied about it and said I was or they have tied down with more than invisible chains

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    Have me tied down with more than invisible chains… If you ain’t dead leave my body alone

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    Well no one told me about it but Jayme was there when my mom was on the floor

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    We need some 30+ clubs

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    She had a paw tattoo but never smelled so idk and that better be why or them bitches fucked

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    I asked her if I found a vampire would she be down and she said hell yeah

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    Why you wouldn’t help my best friend?

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    It can get rid of the black plague but not cancer? I don’t believe that

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    Get off my body and put me back to ghost taps please

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    You can do all that and all that twisted shit though… I’m medical you’re fucking sick

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    Get off me PERIOD

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    First question for God… how can someone change your religion without permission or consent?

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    I don’t want anything to do with them why would I ever be their friends again? and why they just won’t go away… well I know it’s because they are twisted and sick and evil and scared to leave the scene of the crime

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    They just need to know that they’re not caught and make sure their lies are working

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    I bet you one of them on this thread right now

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    I have enough with the medical voices I hear and don’t need to hear them too

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    Why do they think MY life is about THEM? Why do they keep poking me

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    Least favorite friend, thought I had to friend knew she was a little off but not this bad

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    I didn’t know them bitches at alll

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    They pretend well… at least they know what the right thing to do is they just chose not to do it

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    Yes proof I can go on a stand for that on 3 of them

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    What do you call looking at and touching me with out my knowledge permission or consent… then dumb enough to talk about it… I caught BJ, SH, and KA

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    Laughing in my face talking about it like it was someone else too… I get it

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    I feel gross cause of that

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    When did they turn me into a human toy then blow up doll and how and why and how do I know it can never happen again?

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    How did people like them get more rites over me then even me?

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    Second question for God

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    Didn’t think stuff like that was possible

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    Kept too busy to think or remember

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    If you were tied down invisibly and couldn’t push him off you while they were saying all that sick shit you might’ve thought about changing your religion too

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    They still trying

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    I know they can’t do it for me but they better stop trying

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    Then he said it was the best sex? Out of here freak

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    Cause I have nothing to hide I ai t ever do shit that I’m not prepared to answer for and ask god

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    So you think I’m a lie to god before you?

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    Get off my roof and put me back where you found me

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    I’m mentally ill and don’t want to hear their voices

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    Dissected a good one but why only on their command

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    It happen again I’m going to jail

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    Completely prepared for that

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    Gonna try to sleep… services in a few hours

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    Cause I blamed my mental illness on that weird shit and didn’t realize it was pastille

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    Didn’t realize it was possible*

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    Please make them go away and get their trash out my body

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    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  2. #2042
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I can’t focus until they leave me alone - but that’s what it feels like
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  3. #2043
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I get it pac… just that easy you don’t trust him

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    What’s wrong? EAT

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    My brother a sister we’re both drug addicts when I was growing up… I learned to hate them and used to be really mean to them but when I switched teams they were nice to their customers and so I was too… my biggest mistake was reapexting a coke head because I then became one too… I think it’s best to keep the disrespect going to be honest

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    My brother and sister both have over 25 years of sobriety now

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    It sucks to be bad at something good… but then I realized I was damn good executive assistant too

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    To be good at something bad*

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    Yeah I used to be good at computers too lmfao and yeah just never fit anywhere always being sided for the next too

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    Didn’t care… if it wasn’t real I didn’t want it either

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    Yeah we were young like that 2

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    Nothing on this earth would EVER make me hurt my family though

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    Cause I wanted a club lol and a laundry mat so I started paying attention

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    When the salon came in it was a wrap

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    Hell no lol

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    I know I can jump back in and get what 16 years? Fuck all that

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    I know I can jump back in and get what 16 years? Fuck all that

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    I know I can jump back in and get what 16 years? Fuck all that

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    Not even for that $143.5M I’m determined to get out of all this

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    It was my goal when I cashed in on my pension and 401k to move back home… my mom looked like hell on a visit

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    You know she actually got me to eat fish today that wasn’t fried. It was good as all hell

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    Lost the final remainder moving to Norwalk

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    I cut 7 grams to 32 back then nah… he got a beat down lmfao

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    So I shot up the wall with a paint gun etc etc etc

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    Shit just got escalated way out of proportion - nobody give a fuck about that anymore

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    Only custies like fish scale… it’s light as fuck

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    I walked by a plant and my Nextel hummed

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    I assumed it was the police watching and I was quit so I didn’t care
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  4. #2044
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Where did my wu track 10 piece go… do you know how hard I worked on that one?
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  5. #2045
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    If I was in the industry… I’d switch to bonuses and salaries while branching all together like a corporation to add benefits too

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    Show money your money

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    Like a union

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    OK… everything under CLA919 for a fully loaded 2026 blazer and to pay off my student loans?

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    I can write more I write 90% more than I trace

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    I traced for murderers and fell asleep trac Ng their confessions - my mom found them and took me to psych lmfao

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    Pay off loans and credit cards - I ruined my credit by accident again

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    Everyone know the first fire the best

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    I said I’m not gonna speak on it so I won’t but I’m pissed

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    Ice cube hasn’t made me smile like that since a good day ) yeah my ex favored him a little old crush

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    Officially on pause despite the break up

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    And after that cop - I will NEVER attempt to date a white man again - and I’m not the reverse racist - they are!

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    Just every time I try disaster

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    And Lu ex that’s Puerto Rican he treats me like white guys do too fuck all that

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    My ex*

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    Some of them I let cause it doesn’t bother me and then some think their entitled and it makes me REAL mad

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    My body I’m the boss… so how that not happen?

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    Yeah they found PACs crazy baby mom but I’m only 75% sure now again

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    Yeah why I probably flipped out the first 5 minutes of ps I love you

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    Nah that’s what makes them crazier then me.. I AM legit mentally ill despite them

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    Just… it has nothing to do with authority - it’s you only live once and I have to

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    I want my mark here too

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    Somethings to say I’m here and I made it for you too God

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    “Cause gods gift to you is life and what you do with it your gift back”

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    I want to fix jail and mental so that they can actually fix us not cage us and mask symptoms I’m living proof that there is life after insanity

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    You can fix us

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    I hit insanity like 6 times or 9 in one year after getting shot - will someone at least tell 50 cent if I was or was not shot cause they won’t tell me

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    If they robbing people or selling drugs give them an education and job and if they raping people or hurting kids cut off their dick

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    Group them together so they don’t learn how to commit new crimes

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    Keep gangs away from each other rather then forcing them to share cells

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    Stop aggregating us talking shit on purpose cause you don’t know what it’s like to pop off

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    That should be a hate crime too

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    NOBODY likes losing control

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    It’s like you make fun of us for fucking up probably just like you did only we got caught

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    Every co has its study and honestly - I’ll shut up but I didn’t forget you either or how you treated me

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    Every co has their reason why*

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    Why they became one

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    My mom stoped doing the basement cause she thought it looked like the padded room. LMAO nah I never got the padded room but been tied to the bed twice

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    As form of punishment I wasn’t violent at all

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    I’m at fucked up in there

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    It’s fucked up in there*

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    It’s not because you all did it on purpose it’s cause he had someone on deck that quick and I’m tired

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    For every bitch he give the opportunity to laugh at me and say I’m stupid like they better
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  6. #2046
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I haven’t been able to eat since my boyfriend left me Friday… scared… don’t want to have to go inpatient - but I can’t even stomach an ensure

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    I know one thing… when I heal… I’ll never give a man the opportunity to do this to me again

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    Yo I’m really feeling uncle Murda though… OG just stepping in killing them young bucks… you go boy

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    I can’t wait to ghost write - I’m a be freaking everyone out like Pac did me lol

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    As a virgin getting pregnant and making my confirmation pregnant - that Hail Mary really freaked me out

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    And patiently waiting by 50 too

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    Got so sick when Juno came out - thinking it was Magic
    Kicking my ass - not my own life story

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    I don’t know if it was my own coping mechanism cause my whole life when I was hurt I’d say to myself delete and move the fuck on

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    I sat in my car for 14.5 hrs going off on them on Instagram just bleeding

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    The I wake up and feel embarrassed - then I get hurt or mad and do it again

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    Dizzy and nauseous as fuck!!! But it really makes me want to throw up just thinking of food right now - don’t want my mom to know cause if she find out she would take me in so I’m praying I don’t pass out either

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    I hate that I feel I have to lie to my mom so much just to protect her - she hurt when I hurt so I pretend that I’m ok

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    One thing I’m proud of.. I finally kicked drinking again

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    My bf called me sleezy but the friend he left me to fuck isn’t sleezy for fucking her friends man? Yo I don’t get that

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    He twisted

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    When I was in my “torture” cell in NC my phone disappeared - I went to get a new one and my dad came to the store and said no it will be back… 2 or 3 days later it was on my bed room floor - HOW DID HE KNOW IT WOULD BE BACK??

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    I know in my heart it has something to do with why he drunk himself to death

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    That’s why I don’t drink anymore

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    My dad loved me to death!!!!!! We were VERY close
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  7. #2047
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Ok guys last butt shot if I’m a be accused of being sleezy anyway

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    He said my ass isn’t all I think it is… the tuck it ain’t

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    Just kidding… I ain’t gonna play myself
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  8. #2048
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Just cause you a snake doesn’t mean you’re grimy… it means yoU have venom

    - - - Updated - - -

    When can I strike?
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  9. #2049
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  10. #2050
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I hate him because any other night my parents would be in bed by 9

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    I’ve been hated him since he told me I’d never be raped again and if I was I could kill them
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  11. #2051
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
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    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    I posted I was so blessed for having my boyfriend on fb then he finds a way to break up with me

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    He took all my money before he left me too

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    My last friend just died and he fucked the other two I had… I recognize it’s the same game Anthony played and I’m tired as fuck

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    I didn’t do anything wrong to anyone and don’t deserve to be played with

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    I am never dating again

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    I didn’t even want to get married in the first place but he tricked me. I think he was prepped on things to say to make me trust him and I want to know why

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    I can’t eat I can’t sleep I’m sick as fuck again

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    I literally have NO ONE and if I ever talk to him again I’m just using him for company but I doubt it… all the sudden he is ugly as fuck to me and the thought of him makes me want to throw up

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    You pay people to hurt me why won’t you pay me?

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    There’s nobody left and I’ll never trust again

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    You get to every friend and bf I ever had

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    The voices in my head say my old friends are going to prison for the rest of their life but I’ll believe it when I see it

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    They got away with gang raping if I was shot they got away with it too and then human trafficking

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    When are they going to stop and leave me alone?

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    Leave me and my life alone*

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    I literally have nobody but my very small family left

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    I’ll never trust a friend or boyfriend again and just have to go back to learning how to be all alone

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    I want to press charges on them

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    Mellisa, Bobbie Jo, Kassandra, Kevin and ikon - I want to press charges

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    He’s out… when am I free?

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    What did I even do wrong?

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    My life has been their joke and game since 1997

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    If the dope head asks me to marry him one more time he’s getting shot

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    Get them away from me get them out my flesh and give me back my body and freewill

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    I have no clue how they do it

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    I want to know how my father knew my phone would be back in a couple of days and is it related to him drinking himself to death

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    Get them out of my fucking flesh I don’t know how to

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    I don’t think I’ll ever understand or forgive god

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    Almost every day for 3 years

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    I stopped counting at 863

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    If you knew what was going on and didn’t stop them you helped and are accessories too
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  12. #2052
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    - - - Updated - - -

    Styles it made me cry

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    Been Around

    I used to say I’d never do a bid, and ain’t nothing in life more important then the kids
    That the code of the streets was more loyal then your profile is
    And that id give my life if it would give him back his
    I’d say hit, shot, smoke when I’d stand in their circle
    Then I lost my mind and they only cared how my birds call
    When your walking or marching or just airing it out
    People see you different then their reAsable doubt
    They think your spoiled or special and can’t understand the fall or the respect due
    They didn’t know It was half faith in My God that I was trying to show you too
    You Look them in the eye and turn, tell them to shoot you in the back that’s how our law do
    Or living by a code we seem to all lose
    The only codes we ever understood or respect
    Then they look me at can’t understand the harsh deck
    And I say it’s prolly when my family left that I died
    Smile and wave...
    And it’s in only in secret when And if I ever cried
    I’d say I’m still a lot like you
    Just different, that’s why the respect too
    My own seeds hate me, and I didn’t trade my life instead that’s just how fate be
    And if I did it for one I did it for all... but I guess it’s just how the fallen and the walking dead fall...

    Link one: http://rapbattles.com/forum/showthread.php?496671-Poker

    Link two: http://rapbattles.com/forum/showthre...?496657-Return

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    Turning my back saved my life once

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    When I had the green dot on my forehead - it’s disrespectful to yourself to shoot someone in the back

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    When I had the green dot on my forehead - it’s disrespectful to yourself to shoot someone in the back

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    When I had the green dot on my forehead - it’s disrespectful to yourself to shoot someone in the back
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  13. #2053
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    One time we were in the parking lot after the club and my bf and his friends were standing outside the car… I got slow mo so I sat up quick and saw a red tinted car and saw the barrel peep out the window and I screamed and they all ducked and the car got confused cause they ain’t shoot yet and sped off - that’s my favorite save

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    I don’t like that I don’t miss a beat when they hurt me and that’s not fair

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    How do they do that… I still get fades and slow mo and prefer that cause that’s god not man

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    I don’t respect no man on earth that claims to be god or a god

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    I just have some ideas for belly v (bitches skipping scenes) then you can do 3 and 4

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    This one of my angry songs

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    Fire songs*
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

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