Don’t know how this one got took off the board

Remember When?

I can name the second I fell in love with you
Cause you had me cracking up cursing out you know who
And that’s what I loved - the real in you
Far from a gangster but point blank too
One of my dearest friends… there anytime I needed you friend, rare, and that’s where our friendship begin… so I’m a start like we always do…

Remember when?

Guys feel free to chime in

Remember when we thought we were smart leaving in a car during school?
I picked you up at the corner and the ACE van was at the light just playing it cool
Caught - suspension was the rule
But back then we didn’t care and just laughed like fools

Remember when the pay phone hit jack pot? Spiting out quarters like it was a slot… and it was a lot!
I mean we saw more fun then most folk got

Remember when we’d play with Es walkie talkies and use them to talk car to car
And we were just playing but they actually went pretty far
I said I was in hot pursuit of Adam Apple Bury 123
And you came back check 4 and it was just the delivery
So they pulled over
And again we laugh but dang you just blessed to have known her
She was beautiful with the full package not just a loaner

We had a lot of fun…

Remember when we crashed that airport party to see the fireworks and avoid traffic
It was 4th of July and one of the holidays that is part of me
More so than tragic
And history
One of the things that is saddest to be
One thing I’m so glad you got to be
A mommy - and your children grew up so beautifully

Remember at work the times we’d just hang out and talk - how about when the integra pulled up right after Joni and you just pointed like Cher LOOK!!!
Yeah that ac got took more than a little bit…
My heart is broke right now… legit
But these memories still make me smile
If they ask me to forget about you or them it’s gonna be a while

We were waiting to do sky dive simulation… that’s what sucks but cancer don’t give 2 fucks

Too much J I miss you so much already
But I mean it, come and get me when ever you are ready!!!!
Cause life lately…
I just need the saner part of me
I used to say you in my prayers now I keep you in both with the memory

Your family will always be in my prayers too and I’m just praying when I get to the gates you remember when and remember me and remember how much we loved you - Jayme J… my biggie to my 2

You’re a real life angel now… girl I love you! 🖤🥀🕊️