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Thread: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

  1. #1

    Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    one of my personal favorite areas of research & topics of discussion are conspiracy “theories”.. i put theories in quotations because at this point, most of the theories that conspiracy buffs have spoken out about have become reality, but i’d like to know how the board feels about conspiracies & the people who peddle them. and more importantly, do you have your own you’d like to put out there?

    here are some good ones:

    did Les Harvey Oswald really pull the trigger or was there a second shooter? also, who stood the most to gain from his death?

    was 9/11 an inside job or is the “official” narrative the most probable account?

    did Covid really accidentally leak from a Chinese bio research facility or was the release of the illness a calculated occurrence perpetrated by Bill Gates & his ilk?

    are UFO’s really piloted by extraterrestrial beings from another planet or are they secret government crafts?

    speaking of extraterrestrials- are little green men actually from outer space or are they the same biblical entities referred to as demons or unclean spirits?

    is Pizzagate real???

    are the allegations of demonolatry amongst hollywood elites and political figures real or unfounded?

    are the royal family members shapeshifting reptilians??

    these are just a SMALL few. if any one has more to contribute or some inside knowledge you’d like to impart, by all means…

  2. #2
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    People are stupid as fuck in groups.
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  3. #3

    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    that’s the realest shit i’ve ever seen you say lmao. more please.

    also, agreed. & this goes for both sides of the debate.. people love to latch onto anything that affirms their worldview whether it be flat earth “proof” or the discovery of a slightly singed passport belonging to a supposed terrorist hijacker when all other evidence of the suspect’s involvement were completely destroyed, including 4 allegedly “nigh-indestructible” black boxes that were used to record plane data & cockpit voice activity.


  4. #4
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    The most dangerous thing to us right now is that dumb people have broad reach of brains.
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  5. #5
    Wheat Flake Cheapskate YG's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    Typical Trump supporters ITT

  6. #6

    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeDealIstic View Post
    The most dangerous thing to us right now is that dumb people have broad reach of brains.
    are they really dumb though or just controlled? or is a mixture of both?? hmmm..

    one major point of contention for me is the focus everyone places on “empirical scientific evidence” for any beyond the norm claim, while refusing to apply that same standard to this as yet to be discovered “gay gene”, but still press on with this narrative that queerdom is somehow inherent from birth in many people.

    now i’m not saying that isn’t the case, because i don’t fucking know, but neither do the “experts”, yet they still act like their hypothesis is unquestionable lol. it’s baffling.

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    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    Your derriere is commonly viewed as an entrance port, pal. You spent many many years establishing it as such.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    are they really dumb though or just controlled? or is a mixture of both?? hmmm..

    one major point of contention for me is the focus everyone places on “empirical scientific evidence” for any beyond the norm claim, while refusing to apply that same standard to this as yet to be discovered “gay gene”, but still press on with this narrative that queerdom is somehow inherent from birth in many people.

    now i’m not saying that isn’t the case, because i don’t fucking know, but neither do the “experts”, yet they still act like their hypothesis is unquestionable lol. it’s baffling.
    Groupthink is a dangerous psychological phenomenon where basically the more people you combine, the dumber the overall collective is. Introduce a powerful emotion like arousal and/or anger and the collective intelligence declines severely.
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  8. #8

    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    Quote Originally Posted by YG View Post
    Typical Trump supporters ITT
    hmm. care to elaborate? also what does ITT stand for? reminds me of those old ITT Technical Institute commercials i used to see on tv late at night while tryna wait for my parents to go to sleep so i could watch Skinemax.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeDealIstic View Post
    Your derriere is commonly viewed as an entrance port, pal. You spent many many years establishing it as such.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Groupthink is a dangerous psychological phenomenon where basically the more people you combine, the dumber the overall collective is. Introduce a powerful emotion like arousal and/or anger and the collective intelligence declines severely.
    gdamnit Egg. you just had to ruin the only normal conversation you’ve ever had on this site with this sudden & aggressive relapse into homofaggadociousness..

    & word to groupthink. some hivemind echo chamber type shit for sure. at first i thought you were talking about people in positions of power, but you’re talking moreso about these tiktok “experts” with massive followings who just human centipede their stupidity through one another.

  9. #9
    Wheat Flake Cheapskate YG's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    ITT = In this thread

  10. #10

    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    how do you get political impressions from a topic that made no mention at all of who you speak of. hmm.

  11. #11
    Wheat Flake Cheapskate YG's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    Blaming Bill Gates for COVID and Pizzagate give it away

    - - - Updated - - -

    And let me guess, Elon was only doing a “peaceful, loving gesture” instead of a Nazi salute too huh?

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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    Yo if I had to guess I’d say he means trump supporters are particularly gullible (eg. fodder for conspiracy theories?) as they’ve been manipulated into believing that the main dangers facing Americans are immigrants and *checks notes* transgender people in sports, thereby distracting the populous from actual problems such as the ruling elite asset stripping our planet for personal gain, selling out our children’s futures as we rush headlong toward the kind of environmental cataclysm which will see such luxuries as eating food and not dying of heatstroke become the sole privilege of the ludicrously wealthy. I dunno, just speculating here. YG, is that what you meant?

  13. #13
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    seems like more libtards in this thread then Trump supporters

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  14. #14
    Wheat Flake Cheapskate YG's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    And one incel ^

  15. #15
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    ^ and a beta

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