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Thread: Ransom Writers Chat

  1. #376
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Peace out Shaman, I hope all goes well and you come back on here soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    links are in order lol.
    You really think I’d post a link and make my buddy Slayerr relive the trauma of such an inauspicious L?


    Ah shit, turns out I would. Sorry.

    It wasn’t hard to find, just had to search ‘Eye wins’ and click the only match.

  2. #377
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    you are your mother’s son, aren’t you. neither of you can keep my Pops outta your mouths lol.

    hell you might be my retarded half brother. or.. sister? itster?? it’s itster isn’t it…?
    Spicy words coming from a fellow who deliberately records himself getting acquainted with a random fellow's opals in order to find the inspiration to carry on.
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    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. #378
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post

    It wasn’t hard to find, just had to search ‘Eye wins’ and click the only match.
    Hahahahha ffs Ethered

  4. #379
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerr. View Post
    Hahahahha ffs Ethered
    Not in the way you think: If one particular individual is well known for not winning to the point it's said individual's trademark and somehow YOU ended up suffering a crushing and absolute defeat by the works of said individual there is one person who truly gets thrashed by the correction erection; you.
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    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  5. #380
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeDealIstic View Post
    Not in the way you think: If one particular individual is well known for not winning to the point it's said individual's trademark and somehow YOU ended up suffering a crushing and absolute defeat by the works of said individual there is one person who truly gets thrashed by the correction erection; you.
    I got the joke mate thanks for explaining though

  6. #381
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerr. View Post
    I got the joke mate thanks for explaining though
    You sounded a little dejected so I figured my inferring you took a firm one in the exhaust pipe would brighten your day. Is it not the neighborly thing to do, to try and help say bye bye to the feels themselves when they are inflicting the ouches?

    It did so you are quite welcome pal. You're welcome.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
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    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  7. #382

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post
    You really think I’d post a link and make my buddy Slayerr relive the trauma of such an inauspicious L?


    Ah shit, turns out I would. Sorry.

    It wasn’t hard to find, just had to search ‘Eye wins’ and click the only match.

    damn that last line was uncalled for & completely appropriate lmfaoooo

    Egg you should make that bar your signature man. top notch lol

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeDealIstic View Post
    Spicy words coming from a fellow who deliberately records himself getting acquainted with a random fellow's opals in order to find the inspiration to carry on.
    hmph. you wouldn’t know spicy words if your boyfriend put Frank’s RedHot on his balls before you gargled em, ya tramp.

    - - - Updated - - -

    i have half a thought that if Egg was around for the gay bars round, he would’ve drew upon his life’s experiences & posted a verse on everyone’s behalf before we even got the chance to start writing.

  8. #383
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post

    i have half a thought that if I was around for the gay bars round, I would’ve drew upon the life experiences of the men I slept with & posted a verse on everyone’s behalf before we even got the chance to start writing.
    You're the type of dude to schedule a hookup with a dude and then call the cops on the other dude only because his cock was too narrow for your liking.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
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    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  9. #384

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @HEK TEAFY hey bro since our opponents aren’t likely to show, would you be interested in writing a verse in the style of your partner as a stand in for their verse??

    for instance, i know Unfwit is fond of gunplay so you could write a verse favoring that aspect while miracle is prone to using a lot of word association so i could try my hand at that style. seems like a fun little exercise, i’d like to see how i’d do if i tried, whaddaya say fammo

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeDealIstic View Post
    You're the type of dude to schedule a hookup with a dude and then call the cops on the other dude only because his cock was too narrow for your liking.
    yeah well knoxville bailed you out literally the next morning so what are you still bellyachin about.

  10. #385
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @FaQEyeReddit @Virbius @HEK TEAFY @Jack Hallows @Slayerr. @mal diction

    We're down to 6 competitors & @MV is unlikely to be judging due to unforeseen circumstances so it's looking like the best thing to do might be to Old Yeller the remainder of the league fixtures and go for playoffs.

    I reckon it'd work best if we have the top 2 ranked (based on wins against opponents who were active at the time) as automatic semi finalists, with the remaining 4 battling to achieve semis then we'll naturally progress to the climax with one winner standing erect coming above everyone else. There's stiff enough competition that we don't need to make it harder with themed rounds for this. It feels a bit like a dictator situation if I'm the only main judge so if any of you feel like you might get shafted we can do a poll instead. Pause - my bad just realised "for playoffs" was a bit fruity.

    It'd look a bit like this:

    Playoff round 1:

    #6 vs #3
    #4 vs #5


    (#6 vs #3) vs #1
    (#4 vs #5) vs #2


    ((#6 vs #3) vs #1) vs ((#4 vs #5) vs #2)

    There's not much going on elsewhere on the site so we can do something new in the RW section once this is wrapped up but this avoids unnecessarily dragging this one out. What you all thinking?

    - - - Updated - - -
    @FaQEyeReddit @Virbius @HEK TEAFY @Jack Hallows @Slayerr. @mal diction

    We're down to 6 competitors & @MV is unlikely to be judging due to unforeseen circumstances so it's looking like the best thing to do might be to Old Yeller the remainder of the league fixtures and go for playoffs.

    I reckon it'd work best if we have the top 2 ranked (based on wins against opponents who were active at the time) as automatic semi finalists, with the remaining 4 battling to achieve semis then we'll naturally progress to the climax with one winner standing erect coming above everyone else. There's stiff enough competition that we don't need to make it harder with themed rounds for this. It feels a bit like a dictator situation if I'm the only main judge so if any of you feel like you might get shafted we can do a poll instead. Pause - my bad just realised "for playoffs" was a bit fruity.

    It'd look a bit like this:

    Playoff round 1:

    #6 vs #3
    #4 vs #5


    (#6 vs #3) vs #1
    (#4 vs #5) vs #2


    ((#6 vs #3) vs #1) vs ((#4 vs #5) vs #2)

    There's not much going on elsewhere on the site so we can do something new in the RW section once this is wrapped up but this avoids unnecessarily dragging this one out. What you all thinking?

  11. #386
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    ((#6 vs #3) vs #1) vs ((#4 vs #5) vs #2)
    Bro I’m not doing algebra.

    I’m fine with however you wanna do it. I’m enjoying it heaps so I’d be very happy to proceed with it as is, but if you’d prefer to change it to playoffs that’s ok too.

    As for the judging aspect, dunno how everyone else feels but I’d be fine with you being our benevolent dictator. Alternatively I could drop out of the comp and fill in for MV’s position if you want, probably not a great idea as we don’t have many competitors as it is, but the offer’s there. Or if you not comfortable being the casting vote we could give your vote the same weighting as everyone else’s and just do voting like in the other leagues, with your vote being the deciding factor in the event of a tie.

    I think everybody here massively appreciates all of the work you’ve put into this and would be happy for you to continue it however you see fit. Despite the drop outs this contest has been a resounding success in my eyes. I feel like the people who’re still in have been brought much closer by the event, it’s great for community building. Also, this should go without saying, but the drop outs are absolutely not your fault in any way shape or form, you’ve run this league incredibly well.

  12. #387
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Yeah probably for the best it’s getting slow af and st risk of dying out - is this week still going ahead?

  13. #388

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    first off @Bag Mandela those were some of theee most blatantly coded, directly undercover, flamboyantly down low, hidden in plain sight ass homo-inventive undertones in that verbiage you used up there & i admire the effort.

    however, despite the alluring mystique of the pro-position, and my eagerness to thrust myself forcefully into the orifice of any open challenge, i must agree with Virb. i’m down for whatever works cuz i been having a bloody right go at it mate, innit. (did i do that right, euros? lmaoo)

  14. #389
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @Virb cheers mate. Being a dictator is great but I think everyone left in the comp is trustworthy enough not to vote for whoever is going to be an easier battle in the next round, which is the only reason we did the voting the way we did anyway, so we'll do regular voting for the playoffs.
    @Slayerr. Yeah this week is still on
    @Jack Hallows lol yeah that was pretty accurate. I think we get this tourney wrapped up then if everyone's interested I like the idea of a swingers-style weekly-alternating-partner 2v2 league or whatever other suggestions people have. Either way we'll still be keepin it moving.

  15. #390

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    well shaved shit in a sandwich bag, that sounds fucking amazing! 2v2 with alternating partners like a fuckin do-si-do tourney.. damn i wonder if anything like that’s even been done before.. i’m def with it

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