ant by aunt - sledge hammer by fame
framed art work splintered by the name.. the will of distain tastes before pain
i try roll my tongue like my eyes but they fork into sleep
premediated murder escapes the muscle movements i have left in a scream
deeper the cut but my teeth remain golden..
like the fluid recycle every breath for every hazel nut between each crunch to be sustain - sober roaming still hoping
the shell of a person that once was walks like a zombie in a killing field of werewolfs and zombies
angry honest yet toppling side to side with a contorted face dying to comment
life as a ballerina aint as easy as it seems
earning our wooden plank shoes is only the half of it..
we bathe - we spit we wee.. wee wee hehe we eat nothing but trouble
rubble mixed with the nuts schuck poor me.. i can turn around with fall into a couplet of cuddles -
unless i want
so i stay in love for now

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