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Thread: Blast from the Past

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Blast from the Past

    What is Blast from the Past?
    Blast from the Past is the new brain child of OM and PC.
    For as long as I've been a member on this site there's always
    been a strict "No bumping old pieces" rule, well we're taking
    that rule off the table. It doesn't come without restrictions, of course.
    A lot of times, pieces just simply go unnoticed or you got feed
    but were hoping for a little bit more. With this, you'll have a chance
    to get a couple more posts of feed.

    Rules and Regulations
    1. You may only bump one old piece a month.
    (this will be heavily monitored)
    2. You cannot bump the same piece 2 months in a row.

    Leave any thoughts/ suggestions in the thread if any of you
    have any other ideas to help elevate this section of the site.

    No links needed.
    All freeposts will be deleted.

    - - - Updated - - -
    @trajik @SELF ACTIVATE @Revelation 18:3 @YD @143 @Sammy @Conceptual @Judge Mentill @Witty @Zen the Dude @_Lyrics @Nahlidge @Rhetoric . @OG Maestro @everyone Else we haven't named
    Last edited by Emily; February 25th, 2016 at 09:00 PM

  2. #2
    All Black Everything KnowP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
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    Awards Cypher Winner 1-2 Punch HW Champion FL Champion Golden Glove Champion 200+ Wins

    Re: Blast from the Past

    Good idea. Better than none. With the slack in om activity, you should throw in a feedback rule too. Like if you leave feedback on five additional pieces, you earn a free blast from the past bump or something. Either way this is coo.

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