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Thread: RB IRC Chat or Chatbox plug-in

  1. #1
    Coal to the furnace Cody Phoenix's Avatar
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    RB IRC Chat or Chatbox plug-in

    I think this would bring a bit more activity to the site, but that's my opinion. Both of those are easy to set up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Powerful AJAX-based ChatBox for vBulletin.

    Main Features:
    -One step installation (no file uploads, no manual template modifications required)
    -Put ChatBox on any forum page by setting script name and adding variable to desired template
    -"ChatBox Full" (always available on separate page)
    -"Messages Archive" (available on separate page, with options to edit/delete messages)
    -"ChatBox Search"
    -Option to block usergroups from viewing ChatBox
    -Option to delete messages older than x hours automatically
    -"ChatBox Statistics" (new messages since last visit, messages in last x hours, total messages, top x chatters,...)
    -View users active in ChatBox (available in CBFull and Archive)
    -Text formatting options (color, weight, style, decoration,...)
    -Advanced Smiliebox
    -Smiliebox options: total smilies available, smilies per row, smilie clipping, disable smilies...
    -A lot of customizable stuff, including: set new/old status icons, time/date format, box height, message order, auto-refresh intervals,...
    -One-click actions: View all messages posted by user X, Delete all messages posted by user x, Ban/unban user from ChatBox, View last message posted by user X, View your last message, View first unread message
    -"/me" action (used when you want to refer to yourself in the "third person")
    ...and more...

    Source -

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another version:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Rather than a forum page chatbox, here's a privatized one:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another version:

    all of this is fairly simple to get on the site.

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Tim... @ILLunatic @God of War
    I'm a depressed happy cunt. Don't fuck with me. I love you, but I'm crazy.[/I]

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  2. #2
    Administrator ILLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: RB IRC Chat or Chatbox plug-in

    this has been discussed before and has always been voted against due to the fact that it would take away from forum activity and is also very difficult to maintain

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  3. #3
    Obnoxious Amen's Avatar
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    Re: RB IRC Chat or Chatbox plug-in

    Quote Originally Posted by ILLunatic View Post
    this has been discussed before and has always been voted against due to the fact that it would take away from forum activity and is also very difficult to maintain

    Chat boxes create forums slow downs.

    Look at BBE for a prime example.

    People just chatbox rather then post.

  4. #4
    Coal to the furnace Cody Phoenix's Avatar
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    Re: RB IRC Chat or Chatbox plug-in

    Quote Originally Posted by Amen View Post

    Chat boxes create forums slow downs.

    Look at BBE for a prime example.

    People just chatbox rather then post.
    Actually: Skizzo just uses BBE to save battles from their FB page - BBE Coliseum it's pretty much dead tho yah
    I'm a depressed happy cunt. Don't fuck with me. I love you, but I'm crazy.[/I]

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