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Thread: Token - My Brother's Kidnapping

  1. #1
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    Token - My Brother's Kidnapping

    Fear is fifty percent of my thought process..
    ..though I act hard
    Proof of nothing but lost progress..
    ..from his track marks
    My heroine is hooked on heroin..
    ..just part of his high start
    And no broken soul could compare to..
    ..the scars in my heart

    Today arrives another day of lies and fear
    My mother's eyes are filled with sighs due to his cheap highs and beer
    Silent tears from violent years of drug abuse can't be contended
    It's been five years as life nears closer to a time of the dreaded
    Left unattended, the events in which will take place are unknown
    He endures thoughts to atone his actions that distractions post pone
    Manipulation so blown out of proportion his sort is so zoned
    Plus the high has grown so tall that his actions are sort of condoned
    Should he crash a car or crash a bar, the certainty is a mystery
    He's in his own world, with no care, plus he's forgotten his history
    Pop a pill, stop and spill out the cocaine, get wreckless and spent
    Because if he wants a thrill from a drug then he'll go to any extent
    Spoiled him from the get go, his parents were royal for just giving
    Yet he'll steal cash from mother's purse while she cleans toilets for a living
    The drugs have a death grip, a vice you can hardly escape
    When using a conscious conscience is rarely formed or seen shaped
    He can't be great if he can't see straight, college seemed a waste
    4.0, graduated with honors only to disappear without a trace
    Obtained the habit in school, a bright pupil until it worsened
    He went from straight A's to using them to become another person
    One of the most intelligent & benevolent guys who never meant
    To fall under a circumstance so prevalent that we'll need something heaven sent
    He needs a second chance except he's yet to express true remorse
    He'll just snort a blue, or two, and his voice'll grow deeply coarse
    You see it gets hoarse, because the pill depresses his breathing
    Although he thinks he's deceiving us, his breathing patterns progress to heaving
    That's the sound when we all become an aid, afraid of what's to come
    Because abusing drugs is just a process where all your days of living comes to one
    It make us numb, the signs that have been placed before his eyes
    All the galore of lies couldn't hide our support and he knows this yet he stores his cries
    One day we get a call from a local gas station, i felt as cold as a ghost
    And low and behold, the attendant found my brother on the floor overdosed
    All of our daily fears collide into one nightmare of a moment
    It was only a matter of time before he got hooked onto a drug so potent
    He's rushed to the hospital, I can't even go, I couldn't stand the sight
    Drugs literally had a death grip on my brother so I couldn't hold his hand that night
    He dodged death, and his thought process changed for a time
    He texted me from the ER expressing how he wanted to make the climb
    He wanted to quit the life he was leading, look towards something better
    Then apologized to me for letting us down, I even saved the letter
    I prayed daily and nightly, that he'd resist any temptation
    But without the proper assistance drugs can break any focus or concentration
    Months go by, he's using here and there, not quite as frequent
    But still to the point he'd receive his paycheck on Friday, and on Satuday be spent
    I lent him money weekly, thousands of dollars on lunch for my brother
    Only to find out a year later that he was receiving lunch money from my mother
    Manipulating anyone he can to get some cash, a fiend in need of a cure
    My parents & my family couldn't be unsure, that eventually he'd be obscure
    If it wasn't drugs, it was alternatives, alcohol in excess
    He was at the beach one day drinking all day which came another consequence
    He was too drunk to drive, but his girlfriend threw him the keys
    Got all the way to our neighborhood but couldn't dodge the trees
    Yet again he cheated death, and even a DUI wasn't appointed
    And although he totalled the car, he kept drinking that night and seemed to enjoy it
    A few months later, it's getting worse, he's not just snorting pills
    He's shooting up anything he can find, soaring high and ignoring bills
    On a daily basis me and my mom fear what may happen, yet we can't stop it
    He's so negligent and wreckless that we'd find syringes in his pants' pockets
    He's in his twenties living at home, my mother won't turn her back on him
    We've turned to doctors and rehab & explained the effects that it had on him
    Nobody has a clear answer, and the solutions are in well doubt
    Because the only rehab they can admit him to is one where he can check himself out
    Three in the morning, I hear a strange breath by the bathroom door
    I call his name and get no answer, I just know his backs to the floor
    I knock and I scream his name, I'm in fear of an ugly death
    And still I get no answer, all I hear is a struggling breath
    I yell for my mom, she already knows. I could never be misconstrued
    I kick down the door, he's layin unconscious with a broken syringe & some blues
    My mother's distraught, her scream still pierces my right ear drum
    I'm trying to keep everybody calm, I know he's got a pulse though I can't hear one
    So here I am, i'm shaking in fear & left with no breath
    Standing there as witness to my own brother and mother's slow death
    I do what I can to keep in piece, I kept from breaking down in two
    Thank God my brother made it through that night, and my mother did too
    My brother was kidnapped by drugs, & I hate to say here
    That my family and I still live an everlasting, day to day fear

    Fear is fifty percent of my thought process..
    ..though I act hard
    Proof of nothing but lost progress..
    ..from his track marks
    My heroine is hooked on heroin..
    ..just part of his high start
    And no broken soul could compare to..
    ..the scars in my heart
    The Last Level

  2. #2
    .:GODLY:. Storm Shadow's Avatar
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    Re: Token - My Brother's Kidnapping

    Man this is long as
    Run For Safety........ The Storm Is Coming

  3. #3
    Kept on a short leash
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    Re: Here is sometimes a brilliantly

    Quote Originally Posted by berrys View Post
    Here is sometimes a brilliantly mobile full review of in what way little come plants systematically contain them
    Great username.

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