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Thread: "Rainfall..." - Bloomquist and T-West

  1. #16
    One final up. Thanks

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Battle Record
    This peice was dope, I enjoyed both verses and I kind of thought you were talking about something else besides the obvious, now that you mention hip-hop, T, it's clear. I liked the vocab, nothing too serious or trying too hard to sound big, ya know? nice structure and topic, great collab. Keep it up. -out

    Hateful Lover

  3. #18
    Word is Bond Sublime D's Avatar
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    this was good, i liked it, very nice...

    T West
    your verse was nice, flow was very easy to follow and your message was very clearly stated and your imagery was right on point, this was a very good verse, noapparent flaws, maybe a syllable too little or many on a line or two, but that's so nit picky...anyway...very good verse, beginning to see why you're in hence and genesis, especially if this is just your average(which si what im taking it as)


    I know i hate on you alot, but this was decent, the flow was very good, the struucture was very good and i enjoyed reading it, you managed to slip in the right vocab and line structure to trhow off novice readers so your verse maintains an intellectual air...this was exceptional, but still your takign it as your average...i felt your imagery...your verse was slightly more esoteric than t west's, but they fit together alright...i would have liked to have seen another verse to this, but it was good...

    nice drop

    9.0/10 average for the two of you

  4. #19
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    this has some dope imagry in it man.... the first verse seemed to me like it had a beter flow and a few tighter ryhmes..but i guess its about the whole peice as one.....both verse's together were tight...


  5. #20
    Green Hour Madness Bounce's Avatar
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    Hey this was a nice peice here guy's, I honelsty did not expect what I got from this. Deep in a symbollic sense, and the idea of portraying the worlds most perfect system of hydration, as the industry hounds that be, is taking it up a notch. Such an abstract comparison is not going to be associated by most, but it's complexity is very appealing in this light. Both of you hit the mark with this, left an impression with me, something few people do, now a days. Although not the best work I seen from either of you, this is by far the best use of concept I've witnessed on your parts. Very good approach to a topic that has been done to death, but not in a way that makes it brand new again. Very good on that alone. Now you did elevate the overall feel of the drop with vocab and nice schemes, but I think you nailed it conceptually more than in any other respect. The last line of this peice is so revelaing yet at the same time, teasing. The stressed importance of the 'rain' is made clear as you elude to the transition from a liquid state to that of the evaporated vapor/gas state. Scientifically sound, yet poetically drenched in symbolism, this is for the most part true, and the reader must be aware of your focus to make this conclusion. I find it to be blatant, but am not sure if that is exaclty where you were going, if so, props to you for making this a mulitlayered drop, in an intellectual sense. It's not an easy task, but makes a great conversation peice. The bombardment of mainstream/primary state of liquid/flow (rain) is flooding our minds with coruption on a creative level, muting that conscious voice we yern to let free. T-west nailed with the reference to rain as being plain, and sounding the same. I mean it's obvious what is being said here, for people not to see it, is just supports the message here, blinders are on, in the redundit beat played out it by the indiviual drops of rain. The reign in industry today, is reflective of pricise and equal amounts of much the same. It's more of a cry to escape the core form and break into the the other state of liquid/rain which is vapor, or gas form. Very nice mataphores used here, if that is what you guy's were going for. I do feel it as so, since it's all so obviously laid out as such. I just wanted to qucikly touch upon this drop, and point out what I felt you guy's did right. This is more along the lines of my approach to writting, and I can respect the amount of thought put into this.

    Good job on this...

  6. #21
    OG Poet, er some shit.
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    Wow. Much appreciated feedback Bounce. Thank you.
    Po'Ethics - Est. 2004

  7. #22
    Rock you in the Face Sir Skiddz SoPhrenic's Avatar
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    watup fam.
    Well T....your verse was decent, great presence of basics...something was missing to me, like one of those descriptive lines that makes everything fall into place, the closer was good but I felt like there was nothing to lead up to it to give it a better effect.
    Bloom, your verse was also straight, but like i said, something was missing even though the whole raindrops shit fit in perfectly and all that, but it just wasn't what i expected it to be. Not that it was bad, but it fell short of the promise i expected as both your verses started off.
    Hence Forward.. BURR!
    Just watch My Back, I got the front.

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