Proto Nemesis

This is a long forgotten story. About darkness and light. How darkness dared to approach the light and be one with it. Purely conjured by my lonesome imagination.

In times long past, stars awoke from a very deep sleep, however they could never see the mysterious darkness they’ve seen in their dreams. See, light could only see light, and darkness was afraid of approaching the light because it thought if it got too close then it might extinguish the only thing that keeps them awake forever.

But one day (a day before days), The King of Darkness came up with a plan. He said, “We will pull the light to us and capture her.” But no matter how hard darkness tried they always ended up extinguishing the stars they tried to capture.

So after a very long time, the Prince of Darkness pondered how to be one with the light. He told the King, “Father, I will go to the light and meet with her. I will choose a star and we will be one.” And so the King of Darkness gave him permission to do so.

After venturing throughout the vastness of the universe, the Prince of Darkness eventually found the star he was looking for. Her name was Selah. And so the Prince of Darkness began to approach Selah. But Selah kept moving away from the Prince of Darkness in fear of being extinguished. However the Prince of Darkness was not one to give up easily, so he persisted. He persisted until Selah even became a shooting star running away from the Prince of Darkness.

It was then that the Prince of Darkness started to grow weary. So he sat for a while and pondered, “She can’t see me, how does she know when I am approaching her?” Then he finally realized, “Could she possibly hear me?” That was it.

So the Prince of Darkness finally stopped chasing after the star, Selah. Selah on the other hand was also tired of being chased by the Prince of Darkness for such a long time that she couldn’t help but feel a little bit special. She kinda missed being chased. She wondered what happened to the Prince of Darkness and why had he stopped chasing her.

It was then that the universe first heard it. Music. The Prince of Darkness started singing and at first his voice sounded shy and sad and lonely. But it was new and the whole universe was listening. The Prince of Darkness was not one to give up easily and he kept singing until his voice sounded more confident and more pleasing to the ears of Selah and the stars, that eventually all of them wanted to be one with the Prince of Darkness.

Finally the Prince of Darkness started whispering her name “Selah", and even as a whisper she could hear it very clearly from afar and she started to draw closer and closer to him.

At last they met for the first time in the history of the universe and all the forces of light and all the forces of darkness were overjoyed. And so began the creation of colors, shades, and patterns. Selah finally saw the Prince of Darkness in her sleep for he was able to make her dream again. And the Prince of Darkness was able to see the light as Selah embraced and surrounded him with her warm light.

The End. Or is it?