you right about that though.
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Oh no fat jokes? How old are you again u racist fisherman u catch fish for living
And pretend to be 15 different people on a rap forum. Let’s not forget u vote for yourself too weird bitch
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Jack swallows is first in line ^ for that party.
Riiiiiight^ whatever helps you write a better punch dragging balls.
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You’re right here you faggot queer why don’t you answer that question yourself homo?
Make sure you bring him to the next round of that tourney ya will smoke the entire next round cuz ya both write the gayest shit ever.
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Raped me in text? Lmao whatever helps you feel comfortable to post.
You should load up your tackle box tonight I heard there’s low tides lots of gay Bass waiting to be caught we know that’s your forte.
God is upset with anybody being gay.
:laugh: quality comedy.
what’s even funnier is that if the mods or admins had any question about who i am, they’d have vetted me ages ago. you’re the only one still here screeching like a spoiled bitch who can’t get her way haha..
you’re so bad at this you’re probably raising kids that aren’t even your own.
The mods are gay though. this whole scenario confirms it. crazy way to lose any reputation Bag or MV had.
i don’t think MV had anything to do with this round. Bag said it was his own idea. MV seems more singularly focused on the violent shit. i could be wrong though, i don’t really know dude. just judging by his verses & votes.
The mods don’t give a fuck about you bro your actually “behaving” on Jack swallows account cuz you obviously
Wanna be here you don’t even post on NC but verseman seems to be waiting all the time on NC for somebody to bring up his name
Your here acting a fan boy so yeah do u think the mods see what I see or course not they living they life there not on this forum 24-7 like you faggit every single time I log in your the only person logged in doing absolutely SHIT.
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Don’t worry once I get back from this storm job, and I get to my computer at home you’re gonna be fucked boy.
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Again there’s 4 people online 1 of them is your sorry ass I’ll come back in a hour You’ll still be the only faggit online so don’t talk about having time on your hands when that’s is exactly what you have the absolute most of .
wah. bunch of crying & bitching but zero substance. you scare absolutely zero person.
& you’re wrong. the mods banned dude from battling here. if i were him, that would apply to me as well, regardless of the account being posted under. get a clue.
in fact, why don’t you petition the mods/admins to vet me since i’m sure you have concrete evidence supporting your claim of my identity lol.
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& yeah. you have all that time on your hands to scour every post of mine finding imaginary evidence of your idiotic claims lol. stop with the deflection. me leaving the site up on my screen has nothing to do with you following me around like an obsessed fan tryna find every opportunity to interact with me.
Lmaoooooo how can I scour every post when you’re in every thread lookin for somebody to hold your faggit ass hand?
Before u even came to this website wit your faggot ass antics we was all doing just fine until u started crying u wanted to be alert of the staff and cried about changing the voting on a website that’s been established before I got here u pathetic bitch
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You need to crawl back from where u came from is my point exactly if you think I’m following you around.
You know wtf u did this is why your acting the way you are fucking poser. How is it I’m talking to people and your just sticking ur nose in business where it don’t belong typical white people shit.
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Every single thread I’m posting in your in there looking for the credibility I’m suooose to be looking for? Lmao
This is coming from a geek that wanted to use achievements and accolades to talk shit u geeking faggot
tl;dr past first part
you’re wasting your time tryna cry to me. it seems you’re highly upset that people are actually getting along amicably while you’re still stuck in the past like a bitter, wounded, cowardly bitch.
and that’s ok. it’s what therapy is for.
as far as whatever else, what’s been proven by all the discussions the adults have been having, is that things have changed for the better & will continue to improve. you’re welcome.
how about showing up to your battles on time.
crazy how you got all this energy for the comments but stay begging for extensions over what, 4 bars between 1-2 & the RW? LOL.
you’re a chump. stop wasting bandwidth lol.
There used to be a text battler named Kenny The Gay on here and yall mad about having to write gay bars? Lol come on its a rap forum with ten members in 2024.
no body wants to be faggots with u guys.