i’d read lol.
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i’d read lol.
Just waiting on MV's return to close up the last round but I'll get the 2v2's up shortly.
I'll post the next audio comp up when voting on the current one closes in about a week.
We ought to start a thread for the mixtape but I don't think this sections the right place for it & should probably get the next audio round done first but if you could link some instrumentals that are your preferred style of beat that'd be useful
If we’re all gonna start dropping track and that again a sub forum in the audio section might be a good place start getting some traffic going back into that forum and get us all in the habit of checking there again.
For beats honestly I’m up for the challenge of having a bash on anything
word, i like aggressive, hard drum & dark melodic beats like the one i recorded on. i could link some beats later if that description isn’t good enough lol.. there’s a dude on youtube named Dansonn beats that i’ve got a lot of my instrumentals from. complete animal on the board.
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word good idea. cuz i know it would attract more attention there & hopefully draw some cats that only do audio like MarkB. he’s pretty good.
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do you plan on rapping at all or are you just going to keep providing homoaggressive commentary to keep us all clenching our anal bum covers.
If I can’t get hold of dilly am I writing 12 lines on our behalf or do I have to take the no show loss coz of him or is it my 6 bars vs their 12?
Ah don’t mind Eyedeal, he’s our site mascot. He does rap but it’s usually some variation on the same joke about sucking dick for a bus fare and then walking home. It was funny the first time, less funny the second, but since the third time it’s becoming increasingly amusing. You gotta admire his commitment to the bit.
It’s up to Bag, but for what it’s worth I’m fine with however you wanna do it.
I’m sure you don’t have to take a no show loss. Are you ok with writing 12 lines on your own or do you want FaQ and I to write fewer? Dave’s good but so are you, I don’t think you’ll be at a major disadvantage writing on your own.
If Dave doesn’t show up you can ghostwrite lines from him so you can still get some back-and-forth style bars in there if you like. I don’t mind if you wanna ask someone like Celph or Nohbody or whoever else to ghostwrite Dave’s parts. You could even ask EyeDeal to fill in, if you don’t mind him contributing his ‘sucking dick for a bus fare then walking home’ bar three times in one verse.
It was a real low point in my career when I lost to that fucking bus fare line
Just a heads up for everyone: I'm not sure how many battles I'll be able to participate in during the coming weeks. I have a lot of stuff going on with moving and other stuff atm, and I havn't even been checking the forums, so I'll be MIA for a while, but hopefully I'll be back before the tourney ends and all that.
If not, I'll be back in the cyphers or wherever at some point.
Peace out for now.
@Bag Mandela @MV
If you write 6 we'll judge it on the basis that dave's would have been of equal standard & if you write 12 that would be fire.
@TheShaman ahh that sucks that you're dipping but you gotta do what you gotta do bro, this shits supposed to be fun so if its becoming a hassle it does defeat the object. Hopefully see you back soon.
Hahahaa @EyeDealIstic sucking dick for bus fare then walking home is masterful, and you are always welcome to join this slowly-dying tourney