Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
Blaming Bill Gates for COVID and Pizzagate give it away
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And let me guess, Elon was only doing a “peaceful, loving gesture” instead of a Nazi salute too huh?
ahahah.. well, let me clear something up for you so we don’t get anything else confused going forward:
if you don’t see me say something, don’t make assumptions about me. that political projection shit says more about the person making the assumption than it does about the person in question.
so just because this shit came to yoUR radar when your personal political boogeyman showed up, doesn’t mean it was the same for everyone else. especially me.
this thread was made to discuss conspiracies and laugh at one another’s beliefs, not to make accusations of political allegiances.
with all the weird & inexplicable shit taking place as of late, to approach these topics with anything other than a skeptical but open mind is doing yourself a disservice.
so, you engage in this conversation with that outlook & we won’t have to take pauses from the subject matter to deal with niggas’ personal issues.
no beef, just setting the record straight.
moving on…
i don’t know or care what Elon did but that shit sounds funny as fuck from how you described it. i’ll look it up & get back to you if it’s worth discussing.
next, everyone knows Gates has plans to use vaccines for population control purposes. the nigga literally said it himself. flash forward to 2019 and dude’s foundation is role playing a scenario combatting a worldwide pandemic caused by a coronavirus. Event 201. look it up. month later “covid” blows up. next, “experimental injection technology” gets mislabeled as a “vaccine” and rush approved for human administration. everyone opposed to it gets ostracized publicly with propaganda pieces made to pit one against the other. mandatory workplace policies concerning “vaccination”. let’s not even talk about the masks they admitted numerous times were useless and actually detrimental to the health of children with developing lungs. flash forward, data shows people with the vaccine are more susceptible to contracting “covid” and there are numerous fully documented cases of the same vaccine injuries the “nutjobs” were warning about when they were protesting the mandates. speaking of vaccine injuries, strokes, bloodclots, miscarriages, susceptibility to certain types of cancer, susceptibility to covid etc etc etc.. all linked to the “vaccines”. makes one wonder about the 100’s of missing, suicided, murdered, accidental deathed scientists, biologists, immunologists etc. dating back to the early 2010’s. there’s more but i’ll stop here.
what i want to bring attention to, is the fact that through all that yapping i just did, there was no mention of your political boogeyman. why? because nigga is irrelevant to the conversation.
moving on:
i used the term “pizzagate” simply due to convenience, since people will recognize that term easier than they would recognize what i actually call it: The D.C. Pedophilia Scandal.
i shouldn’t have to go into specific details about the myriad of sexual predators that have been exposed who have connections to politicians and D.C. figureheads. if you haven’t heard the accounts, you’re years behind the curve & need to play catch-up.
instead, what i want to convey is this: the FBI has a national database of symbols and terminology that sexual predators and groomers use to communicate with one another out in the open. they use identifying markers on buildings & coded language in text print that let others know who they are even before any words are spoken.
you know who else does that? gang members..
now, if i was openly (or privately) displaying gang symbology or terminology & people assumed i was affiliated, would they be making baseless accusations? i think not.
let’s not let the status of an individual overshadow the fact that they are still human beings susceptible to their dark side.
with that being said, and without mentioning any living, non-incarcerated political figures, the 2 pizza shops at the center of the DC Pedophile Scandal without a shadow of a doubt displayed symbology in and around their shops that were objectively displayed in the FBI database as being used by pedophiles as secret communication methods. not only that, but there were multiple different symbols used that convey the same message but pertaining to different aspects of the practice.
this fact is indisputable.
this, coupled with the findings from the owners’ social media accounts should have raised alarms in anyone who values and expects decency & morality from people who work in close proximity to children or advertise their services to them. but there is no shortage of politically connected people who get away with disgustingness due to their influence, reach and affiliations.
and make no mistake: this is a bi-partisan issue, with politicians and influential people on all sides of the political spectrum having been found guilty of any number of sexual offenses.
in fact, people have been tracking the cesspool that is the District of Columbia for a number of years prior to 2016.
so once again, this has nothing to do with anyone’s political boogeyman/woman.
regular civilians have been targeted for investigation & had their livelihoods turned upside down for much less.
now, i’m stopping here because i’ve already written a fucking novel, but i did it for one specific reason:
to show that this topic has levels to it that don’t begin or end with some politician or public figure, even if they adopt aspects of the conspiracy for their talking points.
i hope i’ve made my point clear.
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Originally Posted by
Yo if I had to guess I’d say he means trump supporters are particularly gullible (eg. fodder for conspiracy theories?) as they’ve been manipulated into believing that the main dangers facing Americans are immigrants and *checks notes* transgender people in sports, thereby distracting the populous from actual problems such as the ruling elite asset stripping our planet for personal gain, selling out our children’s futures as we rush headlong toward the kind of environmental cataclysm which will see such luxuries as eating food and not dying of heatstroke become the sole privilege of the ludicrously wealthy. I dunno, just speculating here. YG, is that what you meant?
Lmao. tell us more Virb. tell us lots and lots more.
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Originally Posted by
seems like more libtards in this thread then Trump supporters
hahaha you see what i mean? anyone can find anything that makes people look like something. i gotta say though, “libtards” & “republiclansmen” will never not be funny as fuck to me.
the two party system is totally another conspiracy. they don’t even try to hide it at this point.
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
YG talkin bout "bill gates and pizza gate was a dead giveaway" while getting tiggered and bringing politics into a post that wasnt even about politics was a dead giveaway that hes a libtard
go be offended about shit somewhere else and leave the rest of us alone
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
i think you should have asked YG to state preferred pronouns before labeling YG a “he”.
last thing we need is vbulletin pulling the site certificate because of misgendering :laugh:
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
seems like more libtards in this thread then Trump supporters
Ahah Trump’s the biggest liberal of all. He’s gonna get rid of all the immigrants from America. Y’all gonna hop back on the Mayflower and leave the Native Americans to have their country back.
That’s what he means about revoking birthright citizenship, right?
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
That’s what he means about revoking birthright citizenship, right?
actually no. means nothing what you said.
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Lmfaoooooooo.. can we please go back to discussing the reptilians that are masquerading as hollywood actors & pop stars & vehemently trying to turn us against our Lord and Savior YeHoshua HaMashiach.
“THEY LIVE” was a documentary!!!!!
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Dude just learned the term libtard and is now using it any chance he gets
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Originally Posted by
YG talkin bout "bill gates and pizza gate was a dead giveaway" while getting tiggered and bringing politics into a post that wasnt even about politics was a dead giveaway that hes a libtard
go be offended about shit somewhere else and leave the rest of us alone
See what happens when someone disrupts the echo chamber :eek:
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
Dude just learned the term libtard and is now using it any chance he gets
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See what happens when someone disrupts the echo chamber :eek:
are you autistic?
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
See what happens when someone disrupts the echo chamber
person how does this even make sense LOL
an echo chamber is a bunch of niggas regurgitating the same nonsense to make themselves feel better.. before you made your political stance known, who was doing that?? i’m leant LmAoOoOooo
you just winging it at this point & while i support the shenanigans, at least make it make sense :laugh:
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
YG talkin bout "bill gates and pizza gate was a dead giveaway" while getting tiggered
Appropriate he’s getting Tiggered. Fuckn Pooh and Piglet over here holding hands.
Originally Posted by
Yeah bro U.S Liberals are lame. I watched the whole inauguration and they didn’t even try to assassinate the cunt. Not even once. What a waste of my time.
Originally Posted by
Jack Hallows
Lmfaoooooooo.. can we please go back to discussing the reptilians that are masquerading as hollywood actors & pop stars & vehemently trying to turn us against our Lord and Savior YeHoshua HaMashiach.
Haha ok ok, back to conspiracy theories. I heard a funny one recently, apparently that Jack Hallows geezer is Verseman’s alt account. I don’t believe it though, the dude promulgating that theory was a crackpot.
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
Appropriate he’s getting Tiggered. Fuckn Pooh and Piglet over here holding hands.
Why is it appropriate to get triggered over a thread that had nothing to do with politics that he himself crashed out and turned political?
Yeah bro U.S Liberals are lame. I watched the whole inauguration and they didn’t even try to assassinate the cunt. Not even once. What a waste of my time.
well, they tried twice and couldn't get the job done and inadvertently played a big part in getting him re-elected. Maybe they decided its just best to stop while their not ahead.
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
Appropriate he’s getting Tiggered. Fuckn Pooh and Piglet over here holding hands.
gdamn i laughed harder at this than i care to admit lmao. well played it took me a minute to get it.
Originally Posted by
Haha ok ok, back to conspiracy theories. I heard a funny one recently, apparently that Jack Hallows geezer is Verseman’s alt account. I don’t believe it though, the dude promulgating that theory was a crackpot.
:laugh: the only reason i’m allowing it to be said that i am Verseman’s alt and not the opposite is because he was doing the text shit before me. otherwise there would have been fisticuffs. or probably just yelling about the desire to engage in fisticuffs over such an offensive statement.
to the theory though, it wasn’t just Headless i was accused of being.. but, lemme see… Shaman, Sardon, Neonn, everyone who posted in the Ransom Writers Cash Cypher, Austin Flowers & Daryl Baker too. lmao it’s not even remotely conceivable how a single person could achieve that level of sock puppetry but if it was possible, i’d be highly impressed.
oh and let’s not forget the other conspiracy that i am so white my blood type is a 1000 point credit score :laugh:
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Originally Posted by
Why is it appropriate to get triggered over a thread that had nothing to do with politics that he himself crashed out and turned political?
he’s making fun of your typo lmao. got me too cuz i didn’t see it until he pointed it out. our geezer eyes betray us.
buuut hmm… i am aware that admins possess the supernatural ability to edit thread posts without an edited receipt being recorded at the bottom of the post… so if you were to ninja a correction, we could make Virbius look crazy for quoting something that didn’t happen…
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Originally Posted by
are you autistic?
10/10 response
Keep those zingers coming
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence
Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence