The Power of Manners
Now look here you scrotum, nothing you do matters.
But if you're going to do it, you will do it with manners.
So walk up to the mirror and firm up those noodle soft wrists!
Adjust your posture, no longer slouch when you sit.
Your collection of butt plugs is getting thrown in the rubbish.
Yes, even your Duck Tales one. I don't care that you love it.
Look people in the eye when you meet them: NOT in the willy.
be pleasant and make a little joke but don't get too silly.
Don't eat junk food, it will all go to your caboose.
Speaking of, THATS NOT AN ENTRANCE. You are making yours loose.
Say please and thank you and never be loud.
Manners will float your soul into it's own fluffy cloud.
If you use manners doors will open for you.
Remain steadfast to manners and always be true.
Wait a minute, is that a hidden stash of butt plugs???
You are a hopeless case! Fuck it, I give up.
Your posterior is NOT an entrance, this is NOT manners!
Why do I even bother, my damn patience is battered.